Vulnerable public, private sectors need heightened cyber information sharing

“There are only two types of companies: Those that know they’ve been hacked and those that don’t.” That quote came from the same man who updated the President in daily terrorism briefings between 2011 and 2014. Addressing the 2015 Cyber Security Summit last fall, former National Counterterrorism Center Director Matthew Olsen reviewed a chilling litany of cyberterrorist […]

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Continued global cyber security growth projected for remainder of decade

The global cyber security market is expected to grow more than 12 percent annually through 2020, according to a newly released report. While that number is slower than previously projected, vulnerable wireless networks and increased mobile Internet usage continues to create need for increased security measures that provide revenue to the industry. Additionally, the report […]

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Security group expands awareness campaign following White House announcement

  The National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) says it plans to expand educational programming conveying the importance of multi-tiered verification in cyber security, including expansion of the STOP. THINK. CONNECT. campaign. The announcement comes following a comprehensive plan announced by the White House aimed at enhancing cyber security. Dubbed the Cyberscurity National Action Plan (CNAP), President […]

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Minnesota granted exclusive cyber protection team

The Minnesota National Guard has been selected to receive a new cyber protection unit by the end of 2019, according to a recent announcement by the United States National Guard. The selection comes on the heels of a National Guard Cyber Defense Plan aimed at increasing the number of cyber security units nationwide by the […]

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Specialist from NIST shares small business cyber security fundamentals

A computer security specialist from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recently addressed a gathering of small and mid-sized business people at the 2015 Cyber Security Summit in Minneapolis. The speaker, Patricia Toth, told her audience that small businesses are vulnerable and are increasingly the target of malicious attacks from cyber hackers. In 2013, 31 percent of cyberattacks targeted […]

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Experts tout info-sharing as best cyber defense

Cyberattacks have rocked American industry, U.S. government agencies, academic institutions and others causing disruptions of service, sensitive information leaks and theft of trade secrets and military defense documents. News reports detail accounts of breaches at major companies and even the federal government, resulting in the loss of customers’ private information. Any industry engaged in digital communication […]

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Report finds data breaches at five HHS divisions in last three years

Add the Health and Human Services department to the growing list of cyber-attack victims. At least five Health and Human Services (HHS) divisions were attacked in a three year span between 2011 and 2013, according to a report released last week by members of the United States House Energy and Commerce Committee. The news continues the […]

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Air Force Association launches new program to teach youths Internet safety

The Air Force Association’s CyberPatriot Program Office is launching a new course designed to keep kindergarten through sixth grade students safe on the Internet. The program, called the Elementary School Cyber Education Initiative, will feature several interactive modules designed to excite students and give them a fun activity while teaching them to stay safe online. […]

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Nearly half of Americans lack critical cyber security knowledge, says AARP

Forty-five percent of all American adults failed a quiz about online and wireless safety, according to an AARP study released this week. The report, which focused on users’ cyber security habits as well as knowledge, found that while most Americans have a general idea of good cyber security practices, a significant portion of respondents  to […]

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Study finds more than half of hacked Android phones infected by privacy-stealing malware

About one out of every one hundred mobile devices (1.4 percent) in the world was infected by malware in the second quarter of 2015, according to a report released by 360 Mobile Security Limited, a mobile antivirus developer. Sixty-two percent of these phones had “privacy-stealing malware” designed to grab sensitive information such as login credentials, […]

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Senators introduce automotive cyber security legislation

United States Senators Richard Blumenthal and Edward Markey introduced legislation earlier this week designed to combat the rising threat of automotive cyber attacks, according to a release on Blumenthal’s Senate website. The bill, known as The Security and Privacy in Your Car (SPY Car) Act, would direct the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the […]

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