Watch videos and view presentation slides from the 2022 Cyber Security Summit.

VIP All Access ticket holders have VIP access to view all 2022 Summit presentations. A password is required to access the videos. Please reach out to if you did not receive the email containing the password.

The Technical Sessions are available to the public and do not require a password.

Public Sector Workshop

For full session details, see page 12 in the online 2022 Summit Guide.
The Public Sector presentations are 2022 VIP All-Access Pass only and require a password.

Welcome Kickoff / Operational Excellence

John Israel; Jeff Lubick

What Are The Challenges Most States and Local Government Face Today?

Joe Marshall

Enhancing Statewide Cybersecurity Programs – Building Collaboration and Support Networks

John Israel

The State of the States, Local Governments, Tribes, and Territories

Emily Sochia

States Can Save the World. The All in Approach to Cybersecurity.

Shawn Riley

Insights into Vulnerability Management

Neal Dawson; Nancy Skuta

CISA Grant Program

Chris Gabbard

Implementing Statewide Cyber Plans – State-level Perspectives

Shawn Riley

The Rear View Mirror

Chris Buse

Women in Cyber Tech Sessions

For full session details, see page 16 in the online 2022 Summit Guide.

Free access unless otherwise noted.

Welcome by WiCyS MN and Walking in Fire

Gretchen Block; Judy Hatchett

Goodbye Elevator Pitch. Hello Career Accelerator

Tissa Richards

Navigating Cyber as a Female Leader

Milinda Rambel Stone; Cindi Carter; Sarah Engstrom; Kristy Livingston; Aimee Martin

Women in Cyber Luncheon

Julie Talbot-Hubbard; Nancy Brainerd; Lucia Milică; Jannell Mohn; Beth Singer
Watch video *VIP Access (password required)

Empowering Women: A Look Into their Early/Mid Career

Lindsey Konerza; Alex Bastian; Mandie Grosskopf; Aanchal Manchanda

Being a Better Ally in the Cyber Workplace

Karl Mattson; Kumar Dasani; Shayla Treadwell; Ong Wang

Learning the Dynamics of Leadership; Mindset, Culture & Behavior

Yolanda Hunte; Stephanie Kasten; Rob Marti; Sujatha Sadasivuni

Breaking Ceilings: A Journey to the Top

Tina Meeker; Carolann Shields

Technical Sessions

For full session details, see page 18 in the online 2022 Summit Guide.

Free access.

Enhancing SecOp Practices with MITRE

Chris Boehm

Your CEO NEEDS to KNOW! Uber Breach and More! Cyber Tech translated to Business Strategy

Dan Wolfford; John Mess

How to Streamline Security Operations with Automation

Jay Spann

Navigating Enterprise Security in a Post-Compromise Reality

Kanen Clement

Critical Success Factor #1: Injecting Security into your organization’s DNA and Culture

Drew Koenig

The Role of Modern Asset Management in Cybersecurity

Lenny Zeltser

Panic Patching: Managing the Volume & Velocity of Alerts

Matt Ambroziak; Christian Trujillo

The Data-First Approach; Managing the Tension Between Security and Productivity

Stephen Frethem

Stay SaaSy my friends; Zero Trust in a Modern World

Brandon Potter

ITDR (Identity Threat Detection and Response): Making Sense of the Buzz

Brian Freedman

Breaking into Cyber: A Tale of Two Careers

Jessa Gegax; Will McCloskey

Armchair Cyberwarriors: The First 100 Days of Cybercriminal and Hacktivist Activities Related to the Russian War in Ukraine

Alexander Leslie

Not Your Average Bug Bounty: How an Email, a Shirt, and a Sticker Compromised a High Security Datacenter

Dalin McClellan

Building Your Personal Brand: Navigating A Career in Cybersecurity With Three Unique Approaches

Zinet Kemal; Lee Ann Villella; Wendy Meadley

Industrial Cyber Security Track

For full session details, see page 24 in the online 2022 Summit Guide.

The Industrial Cyber Security Track presentations are 2022 VIP All-Access Pass only and require a password.

Int’l Soc. of Automation: ISASecure Intro & Overview of ISA/IEC 62443 Solution Sets for Systems (3-1, 3-2, 3-3) and Components (4-1, 4-2)

Andre Ristaino

Idaho National Labs (INL) Overview of Cybersecurity Research, ICS COP w/focus on Cyber-CHAMP©

Shane Stailey; Glenn Merrell

Cyber Ranges – For Gaining the Valuable Experience Needed now and Henceforward

Craig Cocciola; Susan Morris

International Society of Automation (ISA) Deeper Dive: Working Group 10 Details and new Technical Report Rollout

Glenn Merrell; Shane Stailey

ABL Virtual Cyber Range Implementation Details

Susan Morris; Craig Cocciola

State of the Art IoT Cybersecurity

Joel Hollenbeck

Securing IT and OT Convergence is a Team Sport

Bryan Gillson

Dunwoody Presentation: New Cybersecurity Initiatives

E.J. Daigle; Julie McFadden

Healthcare & Med Device Seminar

For full session details, see page 26 in the online 2022 Summit Guide.

The Healthcare & Med Device presentations are 2022 VIP All-Access Pass only and require a password.

Frictionless & Secure Patient Care

Brian Kenyon

Approach to Segmenting Medical Devices

Stefan Boehme

A Single Source of Truth in Healthcare Asset Management

Derek Loomis

Medical Device Software End of Life Planning

Judd Larson

Securing and Managing Connected Healthcare From Asset Inventory and Device Utilization to Zero Trust

Ben Stock

Security Resilience Program and Medical Devices

Debra Breummer

Crowdsourced Email Defense

Tonia Dudley

Highlights from the new FDA Premarket Cybersecurity Guidance: Impacts that Medical Device Manufacturers Need to Know

Michelle Jump; Matt Hazelett

Essential Contract Provisions

Eran Kahana

Translating G-speak to C-speak

Andrew Bomett

Cybersecurity for Small Business

For full session details, see page 30 in the online 2022 Summit Guide.

The Small Business presentations are 2022 VIP All-Access Pass only and require a password.

Cyber and Small Business Opening

David Notch; Brian McDonald; Lyle Wright

CISA & DHS Resources for Small Businesses

Karissa Zamora; Chris Gabbard

Securely and Responsibly Disposing of your IT Equipment

Rebecca Duvick

What to Look for in IT and Security Service Providers

David Notch

Tuesday General Session

For session description, see page 34 in the online 2022 Summit Guide.

The General Session presentations are 2022 VIP All-Access Pass only and require a password.

Student Career Breakfast with the CISO of the State of Minnesota

John Israel

Welcome to the Twelfth Annual Cyber Security Summit > The 2022 Theme is Eyes Wide Open!

Eileen Manning; Judy Hatchett; Jeffrey Norem

Stronger Together: Lessons from 21 Years of Intelligence Integration

Andrew Borene

Adversaries Turning to Cyber as Weapon of Choice

Beth Sanner

What if The Browser Was Designed for The Enterprise?

Michael Fey

Here Be Dragons – Navigating An Ocean of Security Frameworks

Tony Sager; Thomas Sager

Learn from Cyber Industry Partners

VIP Lunch > Why CSOs and CISOs are Critical in the Boardroom / And How to Accelerate Your Way to a Board Director Role

Tissa Richards

Technology Alone Cannot Solve our Greatest Cybersecurity Challenges. How to Effectively Leverage Technology to Maximize the Value of Human Creativity, Experience, and Ingenuity

Cody Chamberlain; Cody Wass

Translating Risks to Business Terms: Conveying Complex Risk Topics in Simple Business Language

John Valente; Ivan Fong; Todd Hartman; Melissa Krasnow

Ukraine and the Three Bears (Not A Fairytale)

Mike Kearn

Adapting your Strategy to a Higher Degree of Risk Tolerance

Eli Davis

How Kindness Builds Effective Security Operations

Nathan Caldwell

Identity Governance Transformation Partnership: A Case Study with Edgile & Sleep Number

Mercy Schroeder; Devan Koss; Josh Oldham; Becky Sandberg

Executive Level Cybersecurity Report Cards

Kathy Washenberger

Visionary Leadership Awards Ceremony

Chris Buse

Cyber Warrior Tribute Program at the Visionary Leadership Awards

Domenick Allen

Wednesday General Session

For session description, see page 38 in the online 2022 Summit Guide.

The General Session presentations are 2022 VIP All-Access Pass only and require a password.

Learn about Women In Cybersecurity (WiCyS) Minnesota Chapter

Judy Hatchett; Tina Meeker; Marie Igtanloc

2022 Cyber Security Summit Intern Showcase

Jeffrey Peal; Aynura Berdyyeva; Sherwin Bothello; Joseph Mathias

Narrowing the Gap – A Unilateral Understanding of Engineering and Network Security

Joe Weiss

The Intersection of Privacy and Security: How you can use Existing Security Tools to Build an Adaptive Privacy Program

Jerrod Montoya

Cyber Risk Economics. We Can Be Better.

Jeffrey Norem; Andrew Herbert; Corey Tower

Third-Party Risk: Evolving and Tailoring your Approach to Address this top Attack Vector for your Organization

Gretchen Block

Solving the Unsolvable With Crowdsourced Security

Justin Beachler

Humans are Vital for Cybersecurity

Sean Costigan; Dinos Kerigan-Kyrou; Rois Ni Thuama

Hindsight is 20/20

Jeremy Treadwell

Authorization: The New Frontier of Identity-First Security for Data

Rich Dandliker

Ready Set RUN – the New Offense is a Collective Defense!

BG Terin Williams

Summit Wrap Up and Take Away

Judy Hatchett; Jeffrey Norem

Summit content represents the views of each individual speaker and not necessarily that of the Cyber Security Summit or the speaker’s organization.