As the cyber threat reaches beyond national borders, so must collaboration to prevent attacks. The Cyber Security Summit International Committee’s mission is to unify defenses in the cyber domain through:

  1. An international consortium increasing situational awareness
  2. Information sharing on emerging policy formulation and technologies
  3. Using the platform of the Summit to showcase Minnesota as an international hub of business.

This year, The Summit expands its international programming with two breakouts on Tues, Oct 27, that examine the new threats we must face together to protect our global supply chain.


10:45–11:30 AM

International Breakout Part One: Deep Dive into the Global Supply Chain: Risk, AI and Data Analytics
Join this fast track visual briefing with Interos CEO and Founder, Jennifer Bisceglie, to see the results of her dramatic move in 2015 from traditional risk management to emerging technologies. The conversation will be joined by International Co-Chairs Michelle Greeley, Anne Bader and renowned Forensic Scientist and STEM Champion Mary Frantz and Global Minnesota’s President Mark Ritchie to hear how international governments, corporations and the research community secure today’s global supply chain.

11:30 AM–1:25 PM

International Breakout Part Two: Securing the Global Supply Chain through Red Team Analysis:  See and hear Two Red Teams Search for Vulnerabilities in a Real-Time Scenario
Join world-class expert Dr. Lynette Nusbacher in an “Observed Workshop” where supply chain and cyber security experts play an interactive role in identifying supply chain vulnerabilities.

Dr. Amy Kircher will provide a realistic scenario using FPDI’s CRYSTAL supply chain simulator. Watch and listen as Team 1 assumes the role of cybercriminals focused on financial gain via ransomware. Team 2 will assume the role of corporate competitors searching for ways to adulterate the food supply chain. Rapporteurs will provide a play-by-play account and post your questions and comments in text commentary throughout the exercise. Move on to join the “Hot Wash” after-action discussion. Participants will be able to see the entire session and witness both Red Team’s analysis in live stream. Attendees will receive a report of the proceedings at the close of the Summit.


Sherwin Bothello, Minnesota State University-Mankato, Info Sec MA
Simon Bracey-Lane, Institute for Statecraft
Alyssa Chetrick, New School, NYC, Global Studies
Alex Gilbertson
Tanner Manley, Georgetown Qatar, IR
Shelia Padre, Institute for Statecraft
Holly Sullivan

The International Pass secures you access to the inaugural Tuesday International Breakouts – plus Monday Technical Sessions and Workshops!

International programming also included with VIP All-Access Pass, Summit Pass and All Day Tuesday-Only Pass
Monday Half-Day Seminars must be purchased separately or as an add-on ticket

Thank you to our International Host

Sponsorship Opportunities

To learn about available sponsorship opportunities, contact Jennifer Churchill at 763-548-1306 or jennifer.churchill@eventshows.com.

Committee Members

Michelle Greeley, Senior Director, Information Security Management, CWT

Jill Allison, Chair Board of Directors, WiCyS Minnesota; CEO, Shuriken Cyber
Anne Bader, Founder, The International Cybersecurity Dialogue LLC
Simon Bracey-Lane, Chief Rapporteur, The Cyber Security Summit
Sean Costigan, Director and Co-founder, ITL Security
Anita Finnegan, CEO, Nova Leah
Paul Hansen, Trade Commissioner, Consulate General of Canada in Minneapolis
Eileen Manning, Co-Founder, Executive Producer, The Cyber Security Summit
Mark Ritchie, CEO, Global MN
Natasha Shawver, Information Security Risk Analyst, University of Minnesota
Mohammed Suleh-Yusuf, Senior Manager, Legal & Regulatory Services, Nigerian Communications Commission
Chad Svihel, Executive Director, Minnesota, PCs for People
Pekka Vepsäläinen, CEO, Tikkasec Ltd.